Yoon Shi-yoon, accused of assault, stepped up for Bae Da-bin...its beautiful now in front of former husband Lee Hyon-jin

Its Beautiful Now' Yoon Shi-yoon and Bae Da-bin's ex-husband Lee Hyun-jin were caught. Shin-Seibij Station's card from Yoon Shi-yoon, who met the defendant in the marriage cancellation lawsuit, raises questions.
In the last KBS 2TV Weekend drama Its Beautiful Now (director Kim Sung-geun, playwright Ha Myung-hee, production SLL, drama House Studio, content-study), Park Joon-hyung tore anger and small intestine into the lawsuit to cancel the marriage of the current Future (Bae Da-bin). Future and marriage have to give my mother the business money, so I have to endure for three months. He was no longer willing to take the line of Jun-hyung’s Love-showing act, pushing for the cancellation of his marriage, and swung his bag at him.
Future and Jun-hyung's statements, which were later attended on the date of the adjustment, were mixed: Jun-hyung's side revealed all of his past Love history, claiming Future's memory errors. Eventually, the adjustment was canceled, and the crisis again hit Future, who left the court with disappointment. When she swung her bag the previous day, she was accused of assault by Jun-hyung, who had been hurt in her face, and his trumpet that he would not agree if she did not cancel the marriage cancellation lawsuit.
Future's lawyer, currently (Yoon Shi-yoon), watched all this closely: did he do his best to sue himself this time?
The still cut, which was released before the broadcast on April 10, contains the current and semi-type face-to-face scenes, while the current face is filled with confident ease, while the semi-form with the documents received with a serious expression. It is a big thing to expect that I would have taken out Shin-Seibij Station's card for Future.
“The current situation, which is prepared thoroughly without any law of neglect in any lawsuit, will be a winner,” the production team said. “We will make the semi-formal nose, which has been divided by cross-line actions, legally flatten. “What is the current card to save Future, which is in a difficult situation due to the charges of assault by Jun-hyung, and expect a Cider base,” he said.
The 4th episode of It's Beautiful Now will be broadcast on KBS 2TV at 8 pm today (10th) Sunday.
SLL, Drama House Studio, Contents