Park Sang-Myeon, a 180-degree change in the current situation "die to live" after removing under-eyes (Go Doo-shim is good)

'Go Doo-shim is good': Park Sang-Myeon reveals 180-degree different face after removing under-eye provision
On April 17, Channel A 'Go Doo-shim is good', Go Doo-shim met his junior Actor Park Sang-Myeon on the Cheorwon Hantan River.
Park Sang-Myeon asked Go Doo-shim's health condition and Go Doo-shim said: "A little bit of a finger. It's a joint. My knuckles ache." "Mr. Sang-myeon was dry, but his face got better; he needs some flesh on his face to be Park Sang-Myeon, don't get too dry," he added.
Park Sang-Myeon, who thought the camera was not turning, said, "I'm young. I performed it under the eyes. I survived death." "I originally said that I was old because of the provision under my eyes, but I got rid of it, so I was young," he said. Go Doo-shim praised "I know that well but I have no idea, I did well," and Park Sang-Myeon emphasized, "It's the first time I've been on TV."