MC Kim Ji-min, 'transform of my House - House band', revealed the behind-the-scenes related to the Couple Kim Jun-ho House.
In the transform-House Band-Fight of My House (hereinafter referred to as House Band-Fight), which will air on April 29, MC Kim Ji-min released the Hyodo House, which was built in Dong-Hae, Gangwon Province, for his mother.
Kim Ji-min went to MC Advance - Park Gun and found 'Hyodo House' and Kim Ji-min's mother welcomed them. Kim Ji-min, along with her mother, introduced the first floor of the mother's room and living room, her room, a room where she can enjoy refreshments, a karaoke room, and a family room.
Park Gun, who checked the karaoke room on the second floor, was surprised to say, "It is the karaoke room of my House." He asked, "Do not you have a karaoke room in the House of (Kim) Junho? Kim Ji-min said, "His (Kim Jun-ho) was made by getting ideas from me."
In addition to karaoke, Kim Ji-min introduced 'Hyodo House' and shared tips when building a House to focus MC's eyes and ears. Kim Ji-min said, "I lived in Dong-Hae until I was 19 years old. My father died in 2017 and I brought my mother (to Seoul) and she was lonely, and my father's oxygen was in Dong-Hae, and there was no place for family gathering. I made a big decision because I thought I should make a space for my family to gather. "
Park Gun, who listened to this, admired it as "really good," and Kim Ji-min's mother added, "It is a good girl." Kim Ji-min was surprised that he had never heard of her.