"If you're born again, you're a normal child..." The silver side is all in your heart ('my golden baby')

If he was born again, everyone in the studio was in the heart of the silver who wanted to be born as an ordinary child.
On the 22nd night, the comprehensive channel channel A, My Little Boy Like parenting Gold, featured two 10-year-old children who are experiencing problems with the theme Friend Fears. Oh Eun Young Doctorate called the two children who appeared on the day gold and silver respectively.
The silver told the elephant that he was talking about his mind. When asked what makes you uncomfortable, the silver said, "You do not understand me. I want to have 100 Friends, too, and I want to play with them, but I can’t talk. I’m ashamed. I’m upset and nervous.”
When asked, "Why do you think that?" The silver person thought for a while, and then he seemed to have broken the answer by saying, "I see why." So I play alone, I am upset. "He made her cry.
When asked, "What do you want to be if you are born again?" Silver said, "I want to be born as a normal child. I want to live happily. "He made everyone feel sick. What he was realizing about the difficulties he was experiencing.
Shin Ae-ra, who saw this, said, "I know that I am different and I think I am making my mother and Father difficult."
“I didn’t really understand it when I was a kid, so I was scolded a lot, so I still remember a lot of it. My mother was scared, "he said, tearing down the tears.