'daughter thieves' Miza "I have to get rid of my husband Kim Tai Hyo, I need to know the truth of Jang Gwang."

Comedian Kim Tae Hyun Mija couple and actor Jang Gwang appear on 'daughter thieves'.
On April 13, actress Jang Gwang's daughter, Mija (real name Jang Yoon-hee), and marriage comedian Kim Tae Hyun will unveil the marriage preparation process and the marriage ceremony through the daughter thieves. Here, he expressed his determination to appear, saying, 'My Father died a long time ago, I feel like I have a new Father' and 'Hani is already sweating with the idea of being alone with For results, but I will try hard.' However, if you stand in front of your craftsman, you will be embarrassed by the fact that you show 180 degrees different from your usual smart and cold image.
Actor Jang Gwang will also show his cute and lovely charm, which was hidden behind the role in the movie "Crucible", which made a strong impression. When I saw Kim Tae Hyun, my son-in-law who got it in 39 years, he said, "It is more comfortable and better than my son-in-law."
In addition, the studio will feature Miza, the daughter of Jang Gwang and the wife of Kim Tae Hyun, who will reveal the real images of the two men who are not included in the VCR. Miza said, "Father and her husband have a completely different tendency, and I am worried about her husband who is trying to like Father." "Now, Hani, her husband should be fascinated and Father should know the truth." He said.