Jungkook released six black and white photos on his 18th day through his instagram.
On the 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th (Korea time), I recalled the photo I shared after the concert of 'BTS PerMission to Dance on Stage - Las Vegas' (BTS PERMission TO DANCE ON STAGE - LAS VEGAS) at the United States of America Alliance Stadium. There was also a lull that seemed to be a mystery.
Jungkook's Instagram post exceeded 1 million in 19 minutes and 5 million in 4 hours, exceeding 9 million in 19 hours.
Meanwhile, Jungkook said at the last United States of America concert held on the 17th, "It's a great night! It was so great every time and I was so happy to be able to perform passionately in front of you, Amy, you guys are so cool and I love meeting like this, and this isn't the last time. Never. I laugh every day because of you, and I wish you were laughing. Wherever you are, stay safe and healthy. Thank you! Phith!" I showed a hot fan love by expressing my feelings.
moon wan-sik