The Legend of Haolan "debuts the lowest and maximum weight of 15kg difference" in stark unpun After (Free Doctor M)

The Legend of Haolan has revealed the recent efforts to manage health with a low-tangle diet.
Singer The Legend of Haolan appeared on TVN 'Free Doctor M' broadcast on March 7.
The Legend of Haolan, who frequently serves courier services, prepared meals with cauliflower rice, egg protein, chicken leg meat, and tomatoes that Lee Yong ordered his cell phone.
The Legend of Haolan, who is currently eating a low-carb diet except carbohydrates, said, "After the debut, the maximum weight is 15kg difference. “I didn’t take it that way at a time, but I did a lot of things. Don’t write the information After the bomb.” At the request of The Legend of Haolan, the broadcast of The Legend of Haolan was released. After 15kg was missing, the jaw line was unknowingly sleek.
The Legend of Haolan made a fried shrimp egg After subdividing a serving of cauliflower rice made from cauliflower as a substitute for rice. Add the chopped garlic to the butter, fragrant, then added cauliflower rice, shrimp, eggs and string cheese, before completing the dish with an oven.
When wondering about the butter and cheese, The Legend of Haolan said, "In low-tank, you have to secure enough provision. Without butter and cheese, we can not secure the necessary provision per day. "