Whenever I notify the diverce by phone, I constantly Ke Wang asks me to show him. It is a tearful paternity.
Prior to the first broadcast on April 8, we released a one-on-one answer with Lee Kook-yong PD, who was directed by TV Chosun's new entertainment program Our divorce 2 (hereinafter We Got divorced).
We Got divorced is a program in which the divorce couple, who once were all of each other but now are less than others, meet again and live in a house for a few days and re-illuminate their marital relationship. Real time Drama, which deals with the 'divorce after marriage' that has not been seen before, presents the possibility of a new relationship that can be a good friend relationship, not a purpose of reunion, and presents a new paradigm of entertainment.
Eli - Ji Yeon-soo, Nahan Il - Yu Hye Young joins 'We Got divorced'. The prEliminary video, which was released ahead of the first broadcast, attracted curiosity with the appearance of Eli and Ji Yeon-soo pouring out old feElings toward each other.
Lee Kook-yong PD said, "There is a part that constantly Ke Wang asks Ji Yeon-soo to show the son to the most empathic or most impressive scene. Ji Yeon-soo is trying to show son with great care in case he keeps looking for Father in United States of America. “Then all the crew were heartbroken and wept,” he said.
Eli - Ji Yeon-soo was married in 2014 and was known as the entertainment industry's leading couple, but the fact of the divorce was announced, and Ji Yeon-soo was shocked by the fact that "we were actually a show window couple". In particular, Ji Yeon-soo revealed that he did not even meet Eli in the divorce court.
In particular, Ji Yeon-soo said, "I decided to emigrate to United States of America together, and I went to United States of America together, but I came to Korea alone because I lacked documents for permanent residence. And a day later I was notified of the divorce by phone. "He said," I was very hung up thinking about the child's existence. I respect the decision of the other party and my life as a woman is over, but I wanted to give a grace period as a Father of the child. "
There was a possibility of reuniting, but they were different. Ji Yeon-soo said, "Eli is dual. As the Korean nationality expires, I am a single man in the United States of America. I am a married woman of Korean nationality. Eli's proposed reunion is that you live with your family in United States of America without organizing documents, and I live with a child in Korea. “The difference in thought could not be narrowed,” he said.
Eli, who notifies the telephone diverce and thinks that living with a child in a different country about reunion is a reunion, can not find respect or consideration for the other person. Eli is now begging to see him with paternal love. He is a selfish Eli in marriage, indivoce, in every process.
Lee Kook-yong, a PD, said, "I would like you to take a moment of prejudice against the performers and look at them as they are. I hope you listen to them as much as you can honestly solve misunderstandings between couples. "