Son Yeon-jae "Get into Chicken After Retirement and Get 6kg" Confessions (Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant)

'Father of the Chicken' comedian Lee Kyung-kyu met with Legend sports stars Hur Jae, Jeong Keun-woo and Son Yeon-jae.
The Chicken-themed menu development showdown will begin on KBS 2TV 'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant' (Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant), which will be broadcast on March 4. Lee Kyung-kyu is the chef who can never be missed when he 'Chicken'. Lee Kyung-kyu, who is known to love Chickens, is called the father of Chickens, or 'Chicken berries', and has shown a strong side to Chicken menus. Lee Kyung-kyu's Chicken menu is also attracting much attention and expectation.
Lee Kyung-kyu in the open VCR found Sindang-dong for various Chicken cooking studies. This is because there is a Chicken restaurant in Sindang-dong alley, which is emerging as a hot place among MZ generations recently. So Lee Kyung-kyu's footsteps stopped, and the oak firewood Chicken roasted with a subtle smell.
“Today we invited special guests, Pythagoras (a Chicken-loving group), said Lee Kyung-kyu, who entered the restaurant. Basketball president Hur Jae, Devil second baseman Jeong Keun-woo and gymnastics fairy Son Yeon-jae appeared. The appearance of Legend sports stars surprised the 'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant' family.
Lee Kyung-kyu boasted of his unexpected connections, saying, "The (hand) series came to our daughter (Yerim) wedding." Hur Jae also said, "I have seen the (hand) series since high school. My son Woong is also close to Hoon, "said Son Yeon-jae.
Then, the enthusiastic Chicken love of the members of Pythagoras was revealed. Son Yeon-jae said, “I really like Chicken. I retired and fell into Chicken and gained 6kg of weight. " In addition, Hur Jae and Jin Keun-woo's surprise Chicken love, a strange Chicken episode is revealed one after another, and the laughter is bursting.
On this day, Lee Kyung-kyu and three members of Pythagoras said they enjoyed a parade of Chicken dishes with wide eyes and a mouthful of mouthwater.
It is expected that the Chickens that the members of Pythagoras have raised their thumbs to say, "It is the most delicious Chicken I have ever eaten."