Lee Sang-min, 'The War of the Roses', was excited about the Sayuri story.
MBC Everlon 'The War of the Roses' broadcast on the 14th depicted the story of Murderma Catherine Knight, the cruelest in Australian history.
Susan first asked, “What do you think of marriage?” Lee Eun-ji said, “marriage tells me to think like death. Susan's story was started with the marriage of an Indian couple, and it was a love story of India, which is famous in Korea. Susan said, "It is a brutal love story."
The incident occurred in May 2020, when the story began when his wife Utra died after being bitten by a cobra. In India, accidents involving snake bites were frequent, almost ending with a simple accident, but Utra's parents claimed Murder, not an accident, and pointed to Suraz as a suspect. Utra claimed that the cobra never crossed through the window, and that the shape of the bite wound was not common. Police were convinced that it was Murder, not an accident, while even conducting a crime reenactment experiment, and the case was concluded when Suraz confessed. Suraz, in particular, was shocked by the fact that he had attempted to kill his wife for three times, and Suraz killed his wife because he had money and another woman who wanted to marriage. Suraz is serving a double life sentence for four offences, including Murder and attempted Murder.
Jordan then introduced The War of the Roses in England, an affair committed by Manchester United legend Ryan Giggs. Giggs had an affair with model Imogen Thomas, followed by a second affair with his brother's wife, Natasha Giggs. In particular, Giggs even forced Natasha to have an abortion when she conceived her child; also, Giggs had a third affair with Lorraine Lever, who was Nasa's mother. But Giggs' wife Stacey was rather blunt, but in 2016 she saw Giggs working on a restaurant worker and demanded a divorce. Giggs started love with Kate Winslet, eight years younger after the divorce, but was also caught cheating and shocked by the violence with the red captain. Giggs and Kate Winslet have been in the process of filing lawsuits for two years.
Before introducing the story, Lee Eun-ji asked, "What is the worst feeling when a lover does something?" When Jordan said, "It is time to go to see another man without talking," Lee Sang-min said, "This is not a sad problem, but it is a problem when you die and I die." In particular, Lee Sang-min said, "It may be a male father." Yang Jae-woong said, "A male father should feel charm and be a male father.
In particular, Lee Sang-min asked if Sayuri was 'Mrs. Jean', saying, "I was not a wife, but a wife in a broadcasting program. “I never met him in private.” At this time, Lee Eun-ji said, "Sayuri did not have a child this time." Lee Sang-min laughed at the question, "Do I have to send child support?"