Ahn Jung-hwan Lee-won, a 19-year-old daughter, has English before her native language..."This year's American College."

Lee Won, the daughter of Ahn Jung-hwan and Lee Hee-won, a national soccer player, said she will go to college in United States of America this year.
Anriwon opened a YouTube personal channel on the 9th and posted a video titled 'Q & A + makeup route?'
In the video, Anriwon answered questions from his followers while making up, "I think I will go to college with United States of America. Some schools put in sports management, others in communication, and others in marketing. “It seems like sports management and marketing are the main players,” he said.
“I was 19 years old in 2004 and went to college this summer because I went to international school for the school year and I went to college this summer,” Anriwon said.
“I’m going to college in United States of America, and I haven’t decided which one, because the results continue from the end of March to May. There are universities that are waiting, and I think it will be decided by May because I have to wait. "
When asked about the height, Anriwon said, "The height is 161.8cm. It is said to be 162cm because of its 0.2cm pride."
Also, about the moment I started YouTube, "I did not start like a job. I have about 72 days left, but the gradient has not met many friends and I started because I have to go to each other. "International schools put the application form in the second semester of high school. “I started out because I was bored because I didn’t go into the records,” he said.
In the future, he said, "I do not plan to shoot it, but I think I should shoot it. I have no specific plan.
In particular, Anriwon seemed more comfortable speaking English than his native Korean, saying that he spoke Korean, but then he said that he would speak English and correct it again in Korean. When asked about the secret of English, he said, "This question is like the nuance of 'Why are you so good at Korean speaking to Koreans?' I can not remember how English was learned because it was entered as a default. “It’s a difficult question. I think it’s because I went to international school.”
Anriwon was loved by Father Ahn Jung-hwan, his brother An Ri-hwan and MBC 'Where is Father?'
DB, video capture