'61 Years Old' Hye-sook Lee, unconventional Sooyooungbok figure "I'm a Thousand Acting Idea" ('Religion 3')

The fashion of the marriage song Divorce song 3 Hye-sook Lee has been released.
In TV Chosun's new weekend mini series, Married Song Divorce Composition 3 (Phoebe, Im Sung-han), directed by Oh Sang-won and Choi Young-soo, Kim Dong-mi (Hye-sook Lee) was portrayed by Shin Ki-rim (No Joo-hyun) against the besieged Seoban (Moon Seong-ho).
On this day, Kim Dong-mi had an argument with Ami (Song Ji-in) in front of Shin Yu-shin (Ji Young-san). Ami was asked without a word, and Kim Dong-mi said, "I listen to you when you say it." In the end, Kim Dong-mi wrapped his head with a sound saying "Go out!"
Kim Dong-mi thought that Shin Ki-rim ghosts had settled firmly in the house. Shin Ki-rim was watching Kim Dong-mi, and when Kim Dong-mi tried to clean up his picture, he blocked the road and hit his head.
Kim Dong-mi changed his mind. He said, "Let's think that I will give you another rice cake." Kim Dong-mi, who bowed in tears, said, “All my life was the director. My friends told me I was a celestial act. “Forgive me,” he said.
Kim Dong-mi then headed to Sooyoung to unwind; Kim Dong-mi, who came out wearing Sooyoung clothes, found the western half of Sooyoung.
As soon as the western half came out with Sooyoung and opened his head, the ghost of Shin Ki-rim entered his body. The western half of Shin Ki-rim's ice was directed to Kim Dong-mi, and Kim Dong-mi was delighted that he was "into me."
On the other hand, the West Ban officially announced his devotion to Lee Si-eun, who met Lee Si-eun at a birthday party organized by Bu Hye-ryong (Lee for example) and said, "Let's be an official couple today." The two held hands in a taxi back home after the party, and embraced in front of the house and became lovers.
Buhelung dreamed of marrying the West, but he was very angry when the West chose Ishieun. He complained to Safi Young (Park Joo-mi), and the next day, when he saw Lee Si-eun at the broadcasting station, he looked at him frightfully and predicted future conflicts.