Haha found the house of chang-geun park.
In the TV Chosun 'national number' broadcast on the 3rd, the national team 6 challenged the early morning curtain call.
Haha, who became a national manager, found the house of chang-geun park; at the early hours of 6 am, chang-geun park greeted Haha with a less awake appearance. chang-geun park, in a poor family environment, even explains that "homes sometimes become short circuits"; chang-geun park signed a contract that Haha had entered into.
The house at chang-geun park had difficulty preparing because of the lack of hot water; Haha was procured with hot water from a coffee pot and pot. Even the T-shirts of chang-geun park were life-threatening everywhere.
Haha, who saw this, said, "I did not say, but my brother's armpit T-shirt was pierced. Our program 'Human Theater'. I hope my brother can sing in a good situation, please cheer on the chang-geun park," he added.
Haha and chang-geun park met the same team manager, Shin Bong-sun, and national team members Ko Eun-sung and Jo Yeonho. Shin Bong-sun looked at the chang-geun park and said, "I first saw someone who is so weak." "I think I could run with it," he said.
The National Team 6 was divided into chang-geun park, Ko Eun-sung, Jo Yeonho and Kim Dong-Hyun, isolomone and Lee Byung-chan teams and entered various missions to get on the curtain call stage. On the parking mission, chang-geun park complained of motion sickness and said, "I think I'll vomit." As soon as he got out of the car, Shin Bong-sun laughed, saying, "Do some vomit on the flower bed."
The members then had to change into a set costume; Haha and Shin Bong-sun were wooing in search of the costumes of chang-geun park. chang-geun park was confused, saying, "I'll wear anything." Finally, the chang-geun park, which was dressed in a suitable costume, headed to the stage.
chang-geun park became the main character of the last curtain call stage, with Lee Byung-chan, isolomone, Ko Eun-sung and Jo Yeonho on stage in turn. Under the stage, Shin Bong-sun cried, "Somebody please let the boiler go to Chang Geun's brother's house." Haha said, "I did it when my grandmother was."
chang-geun park said, "There are songs that have caught emotions since puberty among many songs." He selected Sanulim's "Your Meaning" as a song that made singer dream.
Photo: TV Chosun Broadcasting Screen