Victon held a fan meeting "Chronograph" (Chronograph) at the Blue Square MasterCard Hall in Yongsan-gu, Seoul on the 5th and 6th, and met with fans for a long time. This event will be broadcast live online all over the world, and it will be held face-to-face under thorough preventive measures to prevent the spread of Corona 19, and it was more meaningful to fans who met after a long wait.
The fan meeting was held to commemorate the 5th anniversary of Victon's debut. It was packed with various stages and corners including the stage of the third single "Chronograph" which successfully completed its activities in January. Immediately after the performance, on the afternoon of the 6th, Twitter proved its hot topic and popularity, such as '# All_time is_Victon_Full' rising to the 3rd place in Korea trend.
Vikton, who made a spectacular performance of the fan meeting with the mini-album activity song "It's ridiculous" released in 2017, led a cheerful atmosphere with various talk and Game corners under the progress of comedian Yoo Jae-pil.
On the first day of the performance, the members caught the eye by revealing a special small meeting with the time of looking back on the past and growth of Victon, which celebrated its fifth anniversary through the Time Capsule Corner. On the second day, the members showed off their warm affection between Victon and Alice (official fan club name) and smiled. In addition, Victon has enjoyed a lot of fun with his fans, laughing with various Games such as Liar Game, double dance, and cry in silence.
Victon then perfected the stage of various concepts ranging from unique charm such as 'Circle', 'Unpredictable' and 'Nostalgic Night' to intense charisma, and shot the hearts of global K-pop fans watching through online live broadcasts as well as on-site audiences. After 'Chronograph', Vikton, who breathed with fans on 'We Stay' stage, expressed his feelings of finishing the fan meeting and showed his affection for the fans.
"At the end of the performance, Jung Soo Bin said," Even during this 'Chronograph' activity, we have a fan meeting and feel that we can continue as Vikton. "I do not think everyone can be happy, but at least I want to make you happy as much as Alice." Choi Byung-chan also said, "Thank you for shining this place today. I will continue to work harder and always love Vikton, so please love me a lot. "He successfully completed a 180-minute fan meeting with the 'Sweet Travel' stage announced in November last year as an encore song.