Lee Da-hae "Choo Ja-hyun and Only Two Should Be China-language unconditionally, with China Beauty platform broadcasting authority" (previews)

Actor Lee Da-hae proved his extraordinary China popularity.
Lee Da-hae and Kim Soo-hyung manager daily life were revealed in MBC entertainment program 'Point of omniscient meddling' broadcast on January 8th.
Lee Da-hae, who takes the contents of the introduction of the caustic rain dress on the day, expressed confidence that "the price is released." Song Eun has a China platform that only two people are destroyed by Korean entertainers. "
Lee Da-hae said, "In our country, we run a Beauty content channel, where only Mr. Choo Ja-hyun and I were authorized to broadcast live. You have to be approved and have procedures and you have to speak Chinese unconditionally. You should not speak foreign languages. "
Lee Da-hae also looked at the Vietnamese ssam prepared by her mother and said, "What did she do so much? Is not it an 8-person? Grandma is a diet, but sheep is not a diet." Lee Da-hae's health diet admired Lee Young-ja, "I do not have time for fat to penetrate in everyday life."
Lee Da-hae, the owner, then opened his favorite wine refrigerator and accompanied it with alcohol and Vietnam.