'capitalist school' Brother and Sister, who found the late Shin Hae-cheol cemetery, studio tears sea

The late Shin Hae-cheol family visits Father's haven.
KBS 2TV 'capitalist school', which is broadcasted on January 31, is a new concept India observation entertainment that observes the unusual life of teenagers in the era when India education is essential, informs the survival of capitalism, and even donates proceeds from it. It is attracting attention as a school that tells teenagers about real mOney study, not studying country, spirit, and number.
Among them, the news that the late Shin Hae-cheol family appeared became a big topic. Especially, Shin Hae Yeon - Shin Dong One Brother and Sister's Father, which was released through the teaser video, reminded me of the memories of the king and focused on the fans.
In the recent recording, the personality of two children, similar to Shin Hae-cheol, made everyOne in the studio memorable. When I was charming to my mother, or when Brother and Sister were tit-for-tat, I saw the playful personality of the devil, and the smart aspect of the conversation was the devil itself.
It was then revealed that they were visiting the devil before the full-scale capitalist school The Lesson. The family of the devil, who visits Father whenever there is an important thing, was prepared in front of Father ahead of the entrance of the 'capitalist school'. When I separated from the late Shin Hae-cheol, Shin Hae-yeon, Shin Dong One Brother and Sister, who were still young children, grew up and stood in front of Father again, making the studio a tear sea.
It was also known that the tombstOne of the pyramid form, which is unusual as the resting place of the king, was born in the painting of his daughter, Shin Hae Yeon. In addition, Shin Hae-cheol's wife Yoon One-hee said that he revealed why he adopted Shin Hae-yeon's painting as a real tombstOne design.