'Rhee Dae-eun' Trudie Goodwin, marriage testimony: "I'll live in a right and healthy"

Trudie Goodwin and Rhee Dae-eun, who met in July 2018 with an acquaintance and developed into lovers, have been openly committed since November of the same year.The pair signed a couples kite in May, posting a Wedding ceremony after three years of devotion.
Trudie Goodwin and Rhee Dae-eun, who met in July 2018 with an acquaintance and developed into lovers, have been openly committed since November of the same year.The pair signed a couples kite in May, posting a Wedding ceremony after three years of devotion.

Trudie Goodwin and Rhee Dae-eun, who met in July 2018 with an acquaintance and developed into lovers, have been openly committed since November of the same year. The pair signed a couple's kite in May, posting a Wedding ceremony after three years of devotion.