Dancer Noje appeared on the group TOMORROW X Twogether stage.
On the afternoon of the 4th, the global music festival "MMA 2021" (Melon music award) was broadcast live Online. On this day, TOMORROW X Twogether said, 'Xero Esporte Clube Bahia One Love Song (0X1=LoveSONG (I Know I Love You) feat. Seori)', and played the stage of "Loser Lover (LO$ER=LOER)".
'Xero Esporte Clube Bahia One Love Song' is a trendy hybrid pop rock genre song that sings the 'self-confident' Love of a boy who believes that Love for you in chaos is certain. Even if you listen to it once, the energetic melody that remains strong in your mind stands out.
On this day, Noje appeared with a dreamy visual in the ending of 'Xero Esporte Clube Bahia One Love Song' song. He walked slowly past TOMORROW X Twogether members, and reached lightly for member Yeonjun; even in a short time of about 20 seconds, the atmosphere was overwhelmed.
Meanwhile, TOMORROW X Twogether won the Music Video of the Year award at 'MMA 2021'.
In 'MMA 2021', stage such as IU, MSG Wannabe, Hayes, Lee Moo-jin, TOMORROW X Twogether, The Boys, Enhyphen, Brave Girls and Stay are unfolded.