MC Lee Hye-sung tears in 'mammamian'
MBC Everlon's new entertainment show mammamian, which will be broadcast for the first time today (7th), is an entertainment program where stars appear to find Mom's Taste. Star is a program that infers Mom's Taste among the Food of the Jaehyun Chef Corps, which is made by Mom. The first broadcast will feature actors Seo Ji-seok and Mother together to raise the expectation of viewers by saying that they will play a chewy Taste showdown with the mammamian Chef Corps.
The Food that Chefs should be equally Jaehyun on this day is the Seo Ji-seok Mother ticket 'Porridge'. It is Food that was eaten at the time when Seo Ji-seok was hard, and it is Food filled with Mother's love and Some Like It Hot. "I want you to know how much you think about your son after eating your Mother," says Seo Ji-seok Mother, who made porridge.
The touching maternal love of Seo Ji-seok Mother is also revealed. When asked if he had seen his son's Flaming, Seo Ji-seok Mother said, "I am so good in my eyes, but I was upset when I said that. I pretended not to be a Mother and wrote (comment) that I was good at Seo Ji-seok. "
Seo Ji-seok knew this Mother's mind, too. "I felt like my Mother wrote something when I was looking at the comment. I was ashamed and self-defeating. "
MC Lee Hye-sung, who listened to the story of Seo Ji-seok hat, sympathizes with this and tells his story about Flaming. He says, "I also feel sick when my family sees Flaming." Lee Hye-sung then shed tears when he recalled Mother's "act" that was greatly impressed when he was on the radio. What was Mother's comfort that made her youngest MC Lee Hye-sung tearful?
From the warm memories of the Seo Ji-seok hat, full of laughter and emotion, to Mother's Food, full of Some Like It Hot. All the stories that have even caused MC Lee Hye-sung to go down are curious: This evening's 8.30pm broadcast.
MBC Everlon.