It is also a marriage house play by silver silver and This level, this time foreshadowing Proposal with a ring more precious than the diamond.
The 20th episode of TV Chosun's "Man Wype Card Written" (hereinafter referred to as "Wakanam"), which will be broadcast on November 16, will feature a tearful Proposal scene of the virtual marriage This level and silver silver silver.
The two have been living in a virtual marriage life in 'Wakanam' for a few weeks, and after taking a wedding picture and writing a marriage report, they are doing a Proposal later. The audience's response is "no way".
A Googleplex divided the audience's reaction into 'best', 'hot', 'funny', 'angry', and 'angry', and 215 articles were posted on 'Wakanam' 20 times. There were 164 "down" that placed the article at the bottom, not just the response that came out of this broadcast. Googleplex and major communities were full of opinions criticizing the emergence of virtual couples in 'Wakanam' earlier.
The biggest problem is that Wakanam has lost its program concept and has fallen in ratings. Wakanam, which had a highest audience rating of 7.5% (Nilson Korea national standard), has been hovering around 4% for the fourth week. While showing 'the man who uses the wipe card', he showed the fake couple's house play, so viewers have to turn their backs. I hope that Wakanam, who has abandoned the intention of planning the program as well as the audience, will stop leaving the route.