TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Humanning Kai) released a picture of intense Energy and unique visuals through the December issue of Vogue Korea, a fashion magazine. The five members trendily digested various colors of sensual costumes such as black and white and blue. In particular, they completed an energetic atmosphere by using Esporte Clube Bahiak, lighting, and speakers.
An interview with TOMORROW X Twogether has also been released to give a glimpse of recent interests. Subin talked about Nostalgia, Yeonjun fashion, Beomgyu photo, Taehyun sports, and Heuning Kai playing musical instruments.
Subin, who is locked in Nostalgia, said, "After time, I realized how precious every moment is. I am busy working as TOMORROW X Twogether now, but I know it is a time that can not be returned and a precious part of life. So I want to live harder and more devoted to the present. "
For Yeonjun, fashion is a challenge, confidence and expression. Yeonjun said, "I think that the World that each person has is important, and I think that not only music and dance but also clothes are the media that can show his World." He said, "I grew up learning dance and music, and my values becoming close to fashion."
Beomgyu introduced members and the United States that he became interested in photography in earnest. "If we meet the people who are going to meet next year, I am so excited that we will be able to leave more memories as a picture," said Beomgyu, who left the desire to leave more pictures of TOMORROW X Twogether.
Taehyun lives in the spirit of sports, and sometimes expresses the impressions of the game and the player in music. "Sweat is a proof of effort. I hope that someone will be impressed by the way TOMORROW X Twogether grows and moves forward, just as the crowd is impressed by the sweating of the players. "
“I practice a little bit every day,” said Heuning Kai, who was the subject of playing musical instruments. “Sometimes I don’t play a lot, but when I practice and fall asleep, I’m more skilled the next day. Constantness is important not only in musical instruments but also in all fields. "
TOMORROW X Twogether's pictures and honest interviews can be found in the December issue of Vogue Korea and the official website.