"The land area is 30,000 pyeong" "The Separate": Park Seon-ju, a Solo parenting Jeju Island daily "Coming" ('I Grow')

While she predicted Park Seon-ju's appearance in I Raise, she has already left fans' expectations and questions.
JTBC's entertainment I Raise, which aired on the 10th, was on the air.
The day was depicted as Kim Hyun-Sook's parenting routine: special guests coming: musical actors Jeon Soo-kyung and Hong Ji-min. Kim Hyun-Sook said that he had remarried to a new relationship, saying that he had met Jeon Soo-kyung for 16 years when he was musical in 2005. He was a single mother who raised twins alone, so he said he was a special person who shared a consensus.
On Hong Ji-min, he said, "My daughter, Dorothy, is the same age as Hamin." Kim Hyun-Sook said, "I gave a celebration when I was married to my mother." Hong Ji-min laughed, saying, "I called it when I remarried Jeon Soo-kyung sister, I will call it again when Hyun Sook remarried."
In particular, Kim Hyun-Sook's son Hamin showed a good appearance while adults were preparing meals. Kim Hyun-Sook was proud to say, "Hamin is a concession king in kindergarten." The food was finished. During the meal, the children were laughing at the music in musical mode.
Meanwhile, in the trailer, Park Seon-ju, who was surrounded by her husband Kang Leo, appeared. She is voluntarily Solo parenting for six years, and she is the first to be revealed to spend her daily life with her daughter Amy in Jeju Island. Now, her daughter Amy is attending Jeju Island International School, which is over 30,000 pyeong, which has already made her wonder about the side.
In the SBS Plus entertainment "Kang Ho-dong's rice sim", which was broadcast in May, Park Seon-ju revealed why she lives away from her husband Kang Leo. Park Seon-ju, a 10-year-old marriage, said, "There are many people who misunderstand about the couple's relationship." Kang Leo is a farmer. I studied cooking, but I originally dreamed of farming, and it's already five years old. I'm currently doing melon, corn, rice farming, and so on. I live around the country to farm in The Wailing, Chungcheong and Ganghwa Islands a week. "
Park Seon-ju said, "Mr. Kang Leo is happy on the farm, so we say, 'We are separated', and there is a separation. "I'm getting divorced soon," "Is that a family," and "Showwindo couple." I think I am a really happy family if I am happy. "He conveyed his own marriage and self-worth.
Park Seon-ju, in particular, said that she is aiming for an unstandardized education for her daughter Amy's free thinking, and Park Seon-ju and her daughter live in Jeju Island and Kang Leo mainly in The Wailing because her daughter is attending school in Jeju Island.
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