group TOMORROW X Twogether showed the movie-like Music Video.
Big Hit Music, a subsidiary of TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Fed, Bumgyu, Taehyun, and Humanning Kai) released the Music Video of the regular 2nd album 'Chaosing Zone: FREEZE' on the official SNS channel on the 28th. The background of imagination that is comparable to one fantasy movie, the expression of the five members, and the sound and lyrics of the intense and UNIQ Frost combined to enhance the perfection of Music Video.
Music Video begins with the look of five Boys fleeing Magic Island, where blizzards hit and everything starts to freeze. A news flash of "sinkholes have been created in Seoul" is seen above the Boys leaving the subway station.
Five Boys move to Magic Island by opening the border with beads in their hands, meet the fortune teller and receive cards containing their hidden fates. Cards move the Boys to different locations, including the burning ancient City, sand desert, fractal caves, trees in the sky sea, and mirror mazes. Five Boys, who have escaped from the place of fate after the struggle, find Magic Island frozen and flee back to reality.
A fortune teller's book from Magic Island was placed next to the hands of Taehyun, who returned to reality, raising questions about the story to be unfolded in the future.
'Frost' is a trap-based hyperpop genre that likens Boy's mind, which is confused after realizing his given fate, to 'surrey'. It is a song linked to the original Kahaani 'The Star Seekers', which contains the growth of five special Boys.
The intense and UNIQ sound created by the rough texture percussion and heavy bass adds to the experimental vocal sound of TOMORROW X Twogether, capturing the ears. Ashnikko, an active artist in London, worked and member Fed participated in the songwriting.
Meanwhile, TOMORROW X Twogether will release EP 'Chaotic Wonderland' on Japan on the 10th of next month.