SBS Running Man' Ji Suk-jin was exhausted after being vaccinated.
Ji Suk-jin was named as the second-team player of Kim Jong-kook team in Running Man, which aired on the afternoon of the 3rd. However, he made an attack mistake in the footwear confrontation and became a defeat fairy, and when he was in the same way, he robbed his eyes with his exceptionally pale face and lips.
It turns out that Ji Suk-jin was on the day of the Pfizer vaccine and attended the recording, and he lost to his oppOnent in a styrofoam diving match, and after falling, his lips to blood.
Yoo Jae-Suk, who saw this, worried that "Pfizer came and why is not so powerful?" Kim Jong-kook, who has a rough-tempered Ji Suk-jin despite his failure, said, "There is a Pfizer side effect. “It was like my father,” he said, laughing.
Running Man