"If I were you, I'd report it," Choi Siwon, a "dolling-for-man", said in Kim Jun-ho Confessions law.

Choi Siwon, Jung Yong-hwa met with Dolsingporman.
Choi Siwon and Jung Yong-hwa appear on SBS 'Take off your shoes and dolsing foreman' which is broadcasted on October 19th, and show Dolsing Forman and Honey Jam Chemi.
Jung Yong-hwa, a farewell story collector, was frank and made everyone laugh by saying that he came to listen to the story of 'Dolsing Forman' farewell to write the farewell lyrics. Im Won-hee confessed the hidden love story, and Dolsing Forman pointed out Im Won-hee's poor Confessions law and was absurd (?) Choi Siwon and Jung Yong-hwa, who were watching the scene, took off their feet and coached their love and focused everyone's attention.
Kim Jun-ho, who was talking about how to approach a likable reason, revealed the Confessions method that transcended everyone's imagination, and Choi Siwon was surprised and said, "I will report it!"
Dolsing Forman and Hunan Duo started a 'love test' to find out their love tendencies. Lee Sang-min, who read the test question, said, "What is this exciting?" Moreover, Lee Sang-min, who was immersed in the love ability test, also released a savory episode that he had experienced in the past with a likable reason. However, Lee Sang-min, who recalled the past, was saddened by tears and tears.