'Gold Counseling Center' Song Seon-mi, a teacher of murder in a different village, is a teacher of Husband and bereavement "I miss my dreams"

Song Seon-mi, who was widowed by Husband, has spoken out about her child's concerns.
On Channel A Oh Eun Young's Gold Counseling Center, which aired on the 8th afternoon, Song Seon-mi, who lost Husband in an accident of injustice five years ago and raised her seven-year-old daughter alone, appeared and talked about her troubles and children.
Song Seon-mi, who lost Husband five years ago in an accident of injustice, said, "The child is seven years old and now becomes an elementary school student. I am worried because I am a known person and the family history is revealed, and the fact that the child Father went to heaven remains an article. When I get to know it, I worry about how to relieve the wound that the child can accept, how to relieve it, and what to do. "
Song Seon-mi said, "I told her that my daughter was so young that she went to Space tourism. At age three to four, he asked when Father was coming, and when he was six, he envied his friends. “I think I’ve been acknowledging the situation now that I’m seven,” he said. “A few days ago, my daughter told me that if I put a letter on the playground, I would bring it to heaven. Later on, I thought I missed him a lot.”
Song Seon-mi said Husband's heterosexual cousin, attacker, was sentenced to life imprisonment, and the actual attacker was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Song Seon-mi said, "I do not know how to express the incident that happened to Father. The person who was in a blood relationship with Father did not do it directly because of material greed, but made someone else. When I talk about this, my daughter seems to have a negative mind, not a positive reaction to people, and I do not know where to express that my family did it. "
Oh Eun Young said, "How distrustful will the child have about the world. You have to explain it well. “I may feel a sense of pressure to do what I do when I meet someone like that, but it’s better to tell you exactly that there are not many of these people, and there are many good people in the world,” he said. It is important that the child knows exactly what he is about Father, he advised.
Song Seon-mi not only spoke of his child but also his troubles. Song Seon-mi asked how he had mourned after his bereavement, saying, "I think that's a bit slow. “I know that I went to heaven in reality, but it took me two to three years to actually accept it from my mind,” he said. “I was childcare during the day, following the schedule, and when I slept at night, I missed Husband too much in my dreams.”
Song Seon-mi said, "I have been doing it for three to four years. Now I think I have accepted realistically that the real Husband has gone. I’ve been dating for two or three years and married for twelve years, and I can see how Husband will like to know about Husband and how to live. I want to live freely while enjoying life with my child without living in sadness. "