"Transfer of 100 Million Cards" (ft.Mimo's Lawyer) ('wakanam') appears in the "76.6 Billion Donation' Lee Soo-young, Grandchildren Sunzone

'Wife Card Writing Man' Chairman Lee Soo-young has appeared in the Grandchildren Sun.
In the 15th episode of TV Chosun "Man Writing Wife Card" (hereinafter referred to as "wakanam"), which was broadcast on the afternoon of the 12th, the project to send Grandchildren marriage by Chairman Lee Soo-young was conducted while studying the Panic disorder that was caused by the near Corona 19 city government.
Jung Jae-hoon, a psychiatrist, said, "The prejudice of the 2030 generation (to consult with psychiatric counseling) has disappeared a lot. “(The visitors) talk a lot about loneliness, anxiety about wheat, and the scars from the relationship,” he explained.
Park Myeong-su, who heard this, laughed, saying, "Every time I think it is my special feature." Lee Hye-jae said, "Today, I think there will be something that I and Jae-hwan have a lot of."
I started analyzing the psychological tendencies by looking at the trees, houses, and people's pictures of the cast. When I saw Park Myeong-su's painting, Jung Jae-hoon specialist said, "It is a narcissist tendency."
The second picture shows, "I shot a person with a pair. It feels like a person without a look. It is 100 points for others. "Kim Sang-joon, who painted the picture, laughed when he said," Stop. " "It is more like a tendency to be there for a long time than a temporary tendency," the specialist added.
When I saw the next picture, I said, "I should be at the center and get the spotlight," and Hong Hyun-hee said, "I painted it."
Lee Soo-young, chairman of the Grandchildren Hunjun, has entered the market. On the day of the line, Lee Soo-young and Grandchildren Hunjun came to the hair shop to do their hair. Lee Soo-young, chairman of the company, also gave Grandchildren Hunjun a 100 million Card.
She was introduced to me as a lawyer, and she said, “Ideal is a tree-like person. I like her for her inclusiveness. (Mr. Hun Jun) looked good. I never thought I’d see you like this.”
Lee Soo-young, chairman of the board of directors Lee Soo-young, came to the place where Mr. Hunjun was blind dated. Lee Soo-young, chairman of the board of directors, laughed when he said, "I should live well."
On the other hand, when asked what is the ideal type of the confrontation, Hunjun said, "I used to like a pretty woman, but now it seems to change."
Lee Soo-young, chairman of the company, asked the woman, "Are you afraid of me?" And the woman said, "I do not know if this is a shame, but it is cute." Lee Soo-young, chairman of the company, laughed when he said, "I am cute because I grew up as my youngest daughter."
'the man who writes the Wife Card' broadcast screen capture