Lee Hyun-yi, a former Ewha Womans University student, has released a past public "Academy Never Go" (Same Bed, Different Dreams 22)

Lee Hyun-yi, a former economics professor at Ewha Womans University, said he had never been to the Academy.
Lee Hyun-yi Hong Sung-ki and his wife performed private education Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 in SBS 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 Season 2 - You Are My Destiny' broadcast on September 20.
On this day, Lee Hyun-yi Hong Sung-ki and his wife were in conflict with the two son's private education problem. Lee Hyun-yi said that because of the private education to son, all of his friends went to the Academy and were rather bored. "I went to Dormitory School and did not go to the Academy."
"I am a root of the people of our country who live the life of the head of the company, and you are working to find dreams that you want to do," said Hong Sung-ki. I feel Seo Bo-ram, but you feel other Seo Bo-ram. "I heard why I did not want to make a private education.
Hong Sung-ki also said that he learned piano as a child but can not play the piano at present. Lee Hyun-yi said, "I would like to do it to my children because I did not try it, but Husband said that private education was frustrating."