Jo Yoon-hee unveils first Mother on air...Beautiful look dna "like a sister" surprise (Solo parenting)

Jo Yoon-hee revealed her Mother for the first time on the air.
On September 10th, JTBC 'Brave Solo parenting - I Raise', Jo Yoon-hee prepared a Family photo shoot with her Mother, sister and daughter Roar.
Jo Yoon-hee headed to her Mother's house with her daughter Roar and sister. Kim Gura, who saw Jo Yoon-hee's Mother in the video, said, "It's like a sister. He is very young, "and other performers said," It is not like a Mother. "
Jo Yoon-hee, who first released her Mother for the first time on the air, said, "I have never taken a Family photo even after I became an adult. I was always envious of seeing a Family photo hanging on my friend. If the three generations take together, it will be more meaningful. "
Jo Yoon-hee's mum, who is in her mid-60s, kept her knife angle like her daughter and kept her house neatly intact. When she was young, released with a picture of her granddaughter on the table, her Mother looked like she had passed on the Beautiful look to Jo Yoon-hee.
Jo Yoon-hee said, "My Mother is too simple and I have lived in the city for a long time, but she still has a lot of rural sensibility." Jo Yoon-hee's Mother, unlike Beautiful look, showed a friendly charm with a savvy applause, and was completely different from Jo Yoon-hee from personality to style of dress.