'I raise it' Jo Yoon-hee, Mother's first public release .. Eye-catching look like a similar appearance

Actor Jo Yoon-hee reveals his daily life with Mother for the first time on the air.
Comprehensive Channel JTBC entertainment program 'Brave Solo parenting - I Raise' On the 10th, Jo Yoon-hee visits Mother's house with his daughter Roar before taking a Family photo.
Mother of Jo Yoon-hee, who was first released on the air, surprised all the performers with a look that resembled Jo Yoon-hee. However, Jo Yoon-hee's Mother is a somewhat different tension from 'FM Yoon Hee', and she foresaw the emergence of another drama and a dramatic Mother and daughter connecting the official drama 'I raise' and the dramatic Mother Jo Yoon-hee X Roar.
Jo Yoon-hee and Mother were in memories of their childhood photos. Jo Yoon-hee's Mother, who boasted of her extraordinary beauty since she was a child, said, "My daughter was pretty and I knew she would become Celebrity."
Jo Yoon-hee, who recalled his debut in the entertainment industry, surprised everyone by saying that Mother also made his debut in the entertainment industry. Mother, who followed Jo Yoon-hee's first debut film, Lee Soo-young's Music Video shooting scene, was cast on the spot. Jo Yoon-hee's Mother, who plays naturally in the Music Video, has focused attention on all performers.
Jo Yoon-hee Family gathered to take the first Family photo of his life on this day, and Jo Yoon-hee and Roar, who started taking pictures, gave off their talent with a rich expression throughout the shoot. On the other hand, Jo Yoon-hee's Mother and sister were stiff in the first Family photo shoot and made everyone laugh as if they were binging on the robot.
On the other hand, Lee Dong-gook, a multi-daughter father, appeared as a special guest and shared a realistic sympathy for parenting. Especially, when I traveled like a Family, 14 carriers were basic, and once I took too much baggage, I was surprised to reveal an anecdote that I almost traveled with my son, Xian.
Jo Yoon-hee Family's daily life and special guest Lee Dong-gook's story, which took the first Family photo of life, can be found at 9 pm on the 10th through 'Brave Solo parenting - I raise it'.