Boy group TOMORROW X Twogether unveiled a concept photo of kitsch sensibility.
TOMOROW X Twogether (Subin, Fed, Bumgyu, Taehyun, and Humanning Kai) posted a concept photo escape' version of Regular 2 repackaged album 'Chaos: fight OR escape' on the official SNS at 0:00 on August 5 (Korea time).
In the photo, TOMORROW X Twogether is a sparkling spangle-based mask that is half-covered and gathers in one place to gaze at the camera.
In the private cut that is released Twogether, the five members are taking various poses such as cart riding or reading comic books at convenience stores filled with shiny items as if they do not exist in this world. The background of the convenience store decorated with pastel tones and the accessories using the glitter add to the playful expression of the five members, and the different sensibility is completed and attracts attention.
Member Taehyun holds pink money in front of a cashier scattered with gold coins, raising questions about what five members appeared in convenience stores.
TOMORROW X Twogether has released D-day teaser, concept teaser, fight version of concept photo and Paper clip. They stimulated fans' curiosity with trendy content that reflects Z-generation (Gen Z) tastes such as board customization and emoji use, and keywords such as LO$ER (loser) and LOER (lovers).
In the concept photo and Paper clip of the fight version, the five members expressed Boy's inner heart full of urge to fight the world, feeling alive through skateboarding, a thrilling and thrilling sport. On the 6th, the concept Paper clip of the escape version will be released.
TOMORROW X Twogether, who will come back with Regular 2nd album Repackage album 'Chaos: fight OR escape' on the 17th, completes the 2nd series of 'Chaos Chapter' with this repackage album following Regular 2nd album 'Chaos: FREEZE' released in May.
TOMORROW X Twogether has been fully supported by the Z generation and has been proving its presence as a '2021 Global Top Boy group', including entering fifth place on the US Billboard main album chart 'Billboard 200' with 'Chaos: FREEZE' and continuing its chart-in for eight consecutive weeks.