TOMORROW X Twogether, the global trend Boy group in 2021, released the title song Music Video Personal Teaser, which shows the Boys dreaming of Esapce in a frustrating reality.
TOMOROW X Twogether (Subin, Fed, Bumgyu, Taehyun, and Humanning Kai) will be on the official SNS at 0:00 on the 15th (Korea time) and will be the personal of Music Video, the title song of Regular 2nd album 'Chaos: FIGHT OR ESCAPE', 'LO=LOER' (Ruger Lover) Music Video Teaser was raised.
The video melted the various emotions that each member felt in reality. The five members' delicate performances stand out, including Subin, who smiles brightly toward the person facing him, the Fed, who is tired, Bum-gyu, who runs on a bicycle like a runaway, Taehyun, who hides his face with his Gibbs arms and hides his uneasy expression, and Huning Kai, who waits for someone with a thrilling expression. It is a combination of high-quality music and sensual visual beauty, which foresaw the birth of a movie-like Music Video. In particular, TOMORROW X Twogether arranged the title song soundtrack to suit the atmosphere of individual Teaser, raising the immersion, and giving fans the fun of imagining what the original song would be like.
TOMORROW X Twogether has been receiving a hot response from fans around the world by showing trendy contents reflecting the tastes of the Z generation such as D-day Teaser, Concept Teaser, FIGHT and ESCAPE version concept photo. On the 16th day before the comeback, the Music Video Teaser of the title song will be released and the comeback will be heightened.
TOMORROW X Twogether, which proved its powerful record power by exceeding 560,000 new albums, has recently emerged as the '2021 Global Top Boy group' after marching the 'Billboard 200' chart for nine consecutive weeks with Regular 2nd album 'Chaos: FREEZE'.
Meanwhile, the Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE, which includes 11 songs, including the title song LO=LOER and the fan song 'The Exchange Diary (Dubadou Warywari)', which will be released for the first time since its debut, will be released at 6 p.m. on the 17th.
big hit music