The main character of Running Man' Voodoo Doll was Song Ji-hyo.
On the afternoon of the 29th, SBS Running Man', Yoo Jae-Suk, Ji Suk-jin, Haha, Song Ji-hyo, Kim Jong-kook, Yang Se-chan and Jeon So-min went to the VIP Doll exhibition of Kim So Hee. Each of them picked up a Doll, and Kim So Hee, who explained it, suddenly died.
In the will, "Even if Kim So Hee dies, the highest price of Doll will be left to those selected according to the procedure. By 8 p.m., the best will inherit the person who won the Doll. If you finish first or second in the pre-test, you will receive a hint. "
To get the best Doll and legacy, the members conducted the first pre-test: Draw a star-cabin logo to test snow and observation. After the test, Yoo Jae-Suk and Haha won the first and second places and got a hint.
They then took the bus to Kim So Hee's alma mater tour, where the crew said, "Attack one of the people next to you with 'You are now ~'. The attacked person should say the same, but if he is blocked or overwhelmed, he will score one point. "
Yang Se-chan attacked Ji Suk-jin as "you do not love your family" and Ji Suk-jin countered to Yoo Jae-Suk, "You regret marriage." Yoo Jae-Suk then asked Kim Jong-kook, who was on the other side, "You are thinking of grace."
But Kim Jong-kook was very embarrassed and shouted, "Stop!" Still, Ji Suk-jin said, "Give me a favor. “Running Man is waiting for you. I want to see you, I want to see you.” He posted a video letter and angered Kim Jong-kook.
Haha's target was Song Ji-hyo. He attacked Kim Jong-kook, and Song Ji-hyo acknowledged that Yoo Jae-Suk was "expecting." Haha said, "You were at Kim Jong-kook's house yesterday," but rather it was knocked down to Song Ji-hyo, who said, "You thought about me yesterday."
Jeon So-min was rather dignified. He told Yang Se-chan, "You really love Jeon So-min," and Yang Se-chan replied, "I really love Jeon So-min." Then, rather, he attacked Ji Suk-jin, saying, "You really love Jeon So-min."
The first, second and third places in the game were Yang Se-chan, Song Ji-hyo and Yoo Jae-Suk. Among them, Yoo Jae-Suk found a video and turned it on. "The best Doll is Voodoo Doll. The ghost who cursed Doll and killed the writer is mixed among you. "
It turned out that the members had their names in the Doll belly, and it was a rule to win if they came to their Doll or found Voodoo Doll. If you find hidden envelopes all over the school and submit two of the Doll photos, you can check them at the Doll Theater.
In fact, Kim So Hee was second in the world since his school days, and after killing his first friend, he swept the gold medal in various competitions. So Doll was cursed and suddenly died because of the ghostly welcome of the first place.
As a result, Kim Jong-kook, No. 1, Yoo Jae-Suk, and No. 3 Ji Suk-jin were removed in turn. Among the remaining, the most likely first and ghosts were Jeon So-min or Song Ji-hyo. Haha, Yang Se-chan, and Jeon So-min mentioned the movie 'Girls' Gospel 3' and the ghost was revealed as Song Ji-hyo.
The remaining three humans split the number four Doll ship, named after Song Ji-hyo, after reasoning and took the victory. The defeated Song Ji-hyo left late for a handmade Doll with a penalty.
Running Man