Point of Omniscient Interfere' Top-trend Wenstein unveils Beauty The Secret "Go Hyun-jung in Hip-Hop System"

Point of Omniscient Interfere' Top-trend rapper Wenstein scrambles
MBC Point of Omniscient Interfere' (planned by Park Jung-gyu / directed by Noh Si-yong, Chae Hyun-seok / hereinafter Point of Omniscient Interfere') 166th broadcast on August 21st draws an exciting day of Wenstein, who emerged as an entertainment Top-trend in the hip-hop world.
Wenstein is the first food to be heard in his life, and he has shown a clean charm of the past. Manager said, "Wenstein is a pure rural young man from Cheongju."
In particular, Wenstein attracts attention by eating and sleeping at someone's house, and then Wenstein adds curiosity by saying that he has released past photos taken by his landlord himself. According to Manager, the landlord here is planning an extraordinary plan (?) with Wenstein. Who is the owner of the question?
On the other hand, Wenstein reveals his own Beauty The Secret on the show. Manager surprises everyone by reporting that "Wenstein is Go Hyun-jung in hip-hop." Wenstein said that he had a stunning cleansing method on the day and made the studio sulky.