Living legend on stage, Yoon Bok Hee unveils the musical back story of the 70th anniversary of his debut.
On TV CHOSUN star documentary myway' (hereinafter referred to as 'My Way'), which airs at 7:40 p.m. on July 18, the story of 'Living Legend', Yoon Bok Hee, which enjoyed an era, is revealed.
Yoon Bok Hee is a 'icon of the times' with the 'BIG3 singer' Lee Mi-ja and Patty Kim in the 1950s and 1960s. The 'You' released in 1979 has been loved by the public until now, through the voices of many junior singers. As well as singer, Yoon Bok Hee is also known as a pioneer of Korean musicals, climbing 90 musical stages including 'Jesus Christ Superstar', 'Cats' and 'Paddam Paddam Paddam'. In the 70th anniversary of 'stage life', the scene of the concert 'life' and the stage of musical 'harmony' will be unveiled at <My Way>.
There were precious relationships with her around the Yoon Bok Hee, which has been running uninterrupted for the past 70 years. Today's broadcast of the 'big deal' of the Yoon Bok Hee will be released. In various fields, he is depicted meeting Lee Soon-jae, the 'Actor' who taught Yoon Bok Hee. In 1977, the two people who first met as the premiere Actor of 'Paddam Paddam Paddam' meet again in a long time. Lee Soon-jae said, "It is Mrs. Yoon who caused the 'miniskirt' fan in Korea, and it is very elastic because of it."