Oh, Young Tak...I thought you were born in '93.

Young Tak released a photo of Selfie on his agency, Millagro Instagram, on the 29th.Young Tak, in the photo, showed a refreshing charm by matching white inners with blue black and jeans, adding a young sense of a leather bag on his shoulder and a baseball cap in his hand.Its not a 1983, but a 1993 fashion like Young Tak County. Here, a spoonful of handsomeness adds to the appeal.Young Taks young sense is related to Takyworld, which is scheduled to open in August.Young Tak is raising hopes that he will find more new fans through Taky World.

Young Tak released a photo of Selfie on his agency, Millagro Instagram, on the 29th.

Young Tak, in the photo, showed a refreshing charm by matching white inners with blue black and jeans, adding a young sense of a leather bag on his shoulder and a baseball cap in his hand. It’s not a 1983, but a 1993 fashion like “Young Tak County.” Here, a spoonful of handsomeness adds to the appeal.

Young Tak's young sense is related to Takyworld, which is scheduled to open in August. Young Tak is raising hopes that he will find more new fans through Taky World.