The Boy Groups of Hivega are performing prominently in the global market. TOMORROW X Twogether and Enhyphen were considered the 4th generation idols noted by United States of America Grammy, following the older brother BTS topped the list with a new song in the main single Hot 100 of the United States of America music media Billboard.
According to the latest Chart (June 5), released by Billboard on the 2nd (Korea time), BTS' second English digital single Butter was ranked # 1 on the Hot 100 Chart.
This is the third time that BTS' song has reached the top of the Hot 100. The first English-language song Dynamite, released in August last year, was the first Korean popular music to reach the top of Hot 100. This song has also been ranked # 1 in the Chart three times in total.
In addition, Life Goes On, released in November of the same year, recorded the top spot in the Hot 100 as a Korean song. Adding to the feature song Savage Love, it is the number one spot six times before Butter.
The cycle was short: from the Chart of September 5 last year to the Chart of the week, four songs were ranked # 1 on the Hot 100 Chart for about nine months. This is the shortest time since Justin Timberlake in 2006 and 2007 (7 months and 2 weeks).
As a group, it became the group with the top four Hot 100 songs in the shortest time in 51 years since the Jackson Five in 1970.
Thanks to his brother's performance, his views on his younger siblings have changed. TOMORROW X Twogether, a junior of Big Hit Music, and Enhagement of Viliprap, a subsidiary of Hive, posted their name on Rising The Artist, which was released on the official website of Grammy on the 30th of last month (local time).
Grammy illuminated the two groups by publishing an article entitled 'Five Rising The Artists in Korea' (5 Rising Korean Artists To Know).
In the case of Tomorrow's Esporte Clube Bahia Twogether, it released its second full-length album, The Chaos Chapter: FREEZE, on the 31st of last month, and revealed its presence by breaking 700,000 pre-order volumes (as of May 30).
Grammy said, "I will concentrate on the attention of many people while entering a new era of musical career with my second album. Their unique ability to empathize with various listeners and deal with fascinating topics is worthy of global success. "
Enhagen also saw it as “undoubtedly one of the most anticipated teams in the K-pop market in recent years, a team that has established itself with sophisticated storytelling, solid vocals, and eye-catching choreography.” He introduced the album "Boder: Carnival" (BORDER: CARNIVAL), which was released on April 26, as an example, and said that he is making great achievements in Korea, United States of America and Japan.