2pm Taek-yeon unveils full-scale memorial making scene in five years...Camera's back view is also cool 'Explosion'

Group 2pm member Taek-yeon has released a recent comeback.
Taek-yeon posted photos on social media on Friday with hashtags called "#2pm #7th #Must #Making #Oh, my God."
The photo shows 2pm preparing for a full comeback. The 2pm members gathered in one place for a long time have attracted attention.
In particular, the 2pm members who appeared as the hit song 'We' in the special feature of 'Comb Eyes (a famous song that will close your eyes even if you come back again)' of SBS YouTube content 'Civilization Express' attracted attention.
2pm is working on its title song "You Must" with the release of its regular 7th album "MUST" (Must) at 6 p.m. on the 28th. The full-scale activity of 2pm is only five years since the regular 6th album "GENTLEMEN'S GAME" (Gentleman's Game) released in 2016.
Taek-yeon SNS