group TOMORROW X Twogether released the first concept photo of the new album.
TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Fed, Bum-gyu, Tae-hyun, and Humanning Kai) presented the concept photo 'WORLD' version of the second Regular album 'Chaos Chapter: freeze', which will be released on the 31st through the official SNS channel at 0:00 on the 16th. Earlier on the 15th at 6 p.m., Mood Teaser was surprised to reveal, giving Moa (MOA) around the world a joy waiting for the concept photo.
Mood Teaser, along with the phrase 'WORLD', draws Eye-catching as the back of the members are expressed in black and white. The group concept photo, which was released, expressed a helpless and desolate mind. The wall is frozen and frozen, giving a desolate and cold feeling, and the members are seen in the background, and several arrows are inserted around the members, which stimulates curiosity. Members who have tried luxurious but bold costumes also rely on each other in the frozen ruins and capture their gaze with a lonely and desolate atmosphere.
In the personal concept photo released Twogether, the five members are eyeing the camera with the effect that the ice melts. The members' faint eyes attract Eye-catching, and the heart-shaped eye patch is also one of the points that stimulate curiosity.
This concept photo of TOMORROW X Twogether can be found on the map posted on the official home page. Pressing the pins on the map of the home page adds speciality in a unique way to appreciate more concept photos such as group cuts and individual cuts.
As such, TOMORROW X Twogether is raising expectations for a comeback by releasing concept photo of WORLD version starting with concept trailer on the 11th. On the 18th and 20th, the company will continue to show the BOY and YOU versions.
On the other hand, TOMORROW X Twogether's new album 'Chaos: freeze' will be released on the 31st. TOMORROW X Twogether has surpassed 520,000 pre-orders in six days with this album, and once again it has its own record, it is causing a hot blast early on.
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