group TOMORROW X Twogether has completed the release of all concept photo of the new album.
TOMOROW X Twogether (Subin Yeonjun Bumgyu Taehyun Huening Kai), who is about to make a comeback with his second Regular album, Chaos: Freeze, on the 31st, posted the final concept photo version of YOU on the official SNS channel at 0:00 on the 20th. As a result, TOMORROW X Twogether launched all three versions of concept photo after the 'World' version on the 16th, followed by 'Boy' released on the 18th, and 'Yu' version.
The 'Yu' version, like the previous concept photos, the mood teaser came up first and gathered expectations. In this mood teaser, balloons, helmets, movie tickets, bouquets of flowers and Ice cream appeared with the phrase 'Yu'.
The personal concept photo, which was released, included five members holding props in a mood teaser, and above all, the members' props and their appearance reminded them of a couple, adding to the speciality. Subin holding two movie tickets and a drink, Yeonjun holding the same helmet as his, and Bum Gyu are waiting for someone with two Ice creams. Taehyun with a heart-shaped balloon and Huening Kai, who held a bouquet of flowers, also expressed the Feeling at the same time, looking at the direction that someone is likely to come.
In the group concept photo, the members who stop at the crosswalk and look at the same place catch their attention. Five members showed off five different five-color visuals with different expressions, including Subin with a subtle smile, Taehyun with chicness, Yeonjun with playful expression, and Huening Kai with relaxed expression.
Earlier, TOMORROW X Twogether expressed the lonely and desolate atmosphere in the ruins through the World version, and the appearance of boys who seemed to be ordinary everyday but hollow somewhere in the Boy version, followed by the 'Yu' version released on the day, which created a lovely and exciting atmosphere as if waiting for someone. Expectations are growing even more about what TOMORROW X Twogether will show with its new album, which proves to be a 'concept digestive power' craftsman by freely digesting various concepts.
On the other hand, TOMORROW X Twogether will release a new album 'Chaos: Freeze' on the 31st. Those who have recorded their own record of 520,000 pre-orders in just six days after the pre-booking began will continue to open their tracks and album previews on the 25th and 26th.