'I Live Alone' Simon Dominic, a surprise gift for Parents Plex Nice and nephew Breeding Physical Discharge

Rapper Simon Dominic will be re-submitted as the fourth protagonist of "My God, I'm A Celebrating the 8th Anniversary of "I Live Alone."
MBC 'I Live Alone' (planned by Ahn Soo-young / director Huh Hang Kim Ji-woo) will unveil Simon Dominic's Parent Day surprise Plex, which was prepared for Parent.
Simon Dominic opens the daily 'Ssamstorang' (?) with trembling hands for Niece and nephew 'Chaechae'. Simon Dominic, who first set up a prize for someone, hopes for what the table of Niece and nephew will look like.
Simon Dominic and Niece and nephew are said to have shown al-Kondal Kong chemi by playing with heart-shaped cheese.
When Simon Dominic is exhausted from the care of Niece and nephew who are desperately looking for a mother, Simon Dominic's Parent appears like a savior. Unlike Simon Dominic, who welcomes him with a welcome heart, Simon Dominic's alienation explodes on the outside of Parent, who finds his granddaughter as soon as he enters the house.
Simon Dominic, who has been discharged from hard-working childcare, shows off his Storm food so that he does not have appetite for his luxurious rice prepared by his mother.
Simon Dominic also touches Parent with a custom gift Plex for Parents Day, but unexpected thinking (? ), and the impression did not last long.