'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant' Ryu Soo-young, Kim Nam-il Bum Min home visit...Hopi Reservation+RED "Oyes" in wild atmosphere

'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant' Ryu Soo-young visits Kim Bum Min's house.
KBS 2TV 'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant' (Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant), which will be broadcast on April 2, will begin its 24th menu development showdown on the theme of 'bean'. The showdown will feature four stars, Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant ace biases, including Lee Young-ja, Yu-ri, Ryu Soo-young and Kim Jae-won.
Ryu Soo-young is the best Cuisine high school and housekeeper of 'Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant'. Not only is it a line of shopping cart prices, but also a lot of viewers who have made Cuisine directly after revealing recipes that taste more than expected with a sensible tip are also hot. It is popular that 'recipe of a teacher who believes and eats' is pouring. Working Mom, including Kim Bum Min and Lee Ji-hye, who appeaRED in Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant, also strongly asked to open a 'Cuisine Class for a Mao Teacher'.
This time, Ryu Soo-young is asked by Working Mom Kim Bum Min, who has a lot of worries about Cuisine, and finds the house of Kim Nam-il - Kim Bum Min. Working Mom Kim Bum Min said, "I feel a lot of lack of self-sufficiency about Salim and Cuisine because I am doing my own life, raising a child, working work, broadcasting, and taking care of my husband Kim Nam-il." Kim Bum Min and Ryu Soo-young have also shown a warm-hearted neighborhood, such as watching the market together at a local mart and initiating the honey tips of Ryu Soo-young.
Ryu Soo-young, who arrived at the house of his neighbor Kim Nam-il - Kim Bum Min, a five-minute walk away, was surprised to open his mouth with "Oyes". The house of Kim Nam-il - Kim Bum Min, which was first unveiled on the air, was decorated with wild atmosphere and passionate RED interior that I have never seen anywhere. Especially, the table space coveRED with Hopi Reservation pattern and The Kitchen, which is decorated with RED symbolizing the Taegeuk warrior, have stolen the gaze.
However, for a while, the admiration of 'the mother teacher' Ryu Soo-young went into every corner of The Kitchen with the eyes of the hawk. Ryu Soo-young, a young teacher who carefully examined frying pans, tableware, refrigerators, and food storage status, found problems and suggested solutions, which led to the admiration of Kim Bum Min. In this process, I wonder if the unexpected Cuisine tools and ingREDients were disposed of.
Ryu Soo-young then heard the worries about the Cuisine of Working Mom Kim Bum Min and suggested a recipe that could be solved in a cool way, and Cuisine and tips were initiated together, and Kim Bum Min was impressed. Ryu Soo-young, who initiated a tweezer recipe like a one-shot instructor, is expected to play an active role. Broadcast at 9:40 p.m. on the 2nd (Photo-providing = KBS)