'Comback D-9' NU'EST, Concepts Artisan's return...' Lucas CastromántiOlympic-size swimming pool' Unitcut Open

Group NU'EST (JR, Aaron, Baekho, Minhyeon, Rennes) showed off their famous visuals through official photo.
NU'EST released the official photo Unit of the regular 2nd album Romanticize sequentially through the official SNS channel at 0:00 today (10th), and the excellent Concepts digestive power that freely crosses the gentle and classical mood and the trendy charm raised the curiosity and expectation of the new album released on the 19th to the highest level.
The released Unit Cut can feel the aspect of 'Concepts Artisan' NU 'EST at once. NU'EST emits dandy charm and a delightful atmosphere in the For Good version, where analog sensibility is felt, and the To Be Free version emits a deep eye and overwhelming force.
In particular, in the version of 'This Moment', JR and Rennes showed a free-spirited charm with bold styling and sensual pose, and Baekho, Aaron, and Minhyun completed a unique aura with their eyes. In the After Glow version, the NU'EST is looking forward to a new look that will be shown through this album, creating a fascinating mood.
As NU'EST's expectation for a comeback is rising day by day, NU'EST will continue to promote differentiated promotions through additional updates on the Concepts homepage as well as releasing various teaser contents such as album trailer, freelining, music video teaser.
The second full-length album Romanticize, released by NU'EST in about seven years, has a dictionary meaning of making it more romantic (more abruptly) than it really is. The world's attention is focused on new music that will be presented by those who have provided sympathy and resonance to listeners with deep music.
Meanwhile, NU'EST will release its regular 2nd album, Lucas Castromán Olympic-size swimming pool, at 6 p.m. on April 19th through various online music sites.
Pledis Entertainment