'Seoul house' Baek Ji-young, NU 'EST JR's Home Tour know-how Initiation 'Home Visitor White Teacher'

Seoul=) = Baek Ji-young and NU'EST JR showed off their 'priest chemi' with a quick breath.
In "Seoul has no Home in our house" (hereinafter referred to as "Seoul house"), which is broadcast on the afternoon of the 10th, Baek Ji-young and NU'EST JR team up as the first guest and leave Home tour to Sejong City.
Before departing from the Home Tour, Baek Ji-young, who is already the third in the 'Seoul house' appearance, expressed confidence by recalling his past performance. However, when Baek Ji-young arrived at 'My House', confidence was delayed to the opening remarks to JR, who was the first to appear, and expected a tough Home tour.
When the full-scale Home tour began, the experimental spirit of the landlord's daughter, who designed the house during her architecture and study, was revealed throughout the house. In particular, on the second floor of 'My House' called 'Public Health England Support House', the floor was floating in Public Health England, and Baek Ji-young was afraid as soon as he saw the floor, "I am scared and can not get close." However, he said, "Sung Sik Kyung should not live in this house. I think I will fall into the floor when I drink alcohol."
Within a few minutes, Baek Ji-young, who adapted to the Public Health England floor, initiated self-cam know-how to JR on the floor. In addition to self-cams, JR steadily Actored everything on the Home Tour to Baek Ji-young, and showed off his "priest chemistry" and made Baek Ji-young a "Home-watching teacher".
On the other hand, Baek Ji-young confidently expressed various speculations in the recommendation point of the landlord to show JR as a Home tour teacher, but the answer revealed at the end of the recording was too different from the expectation.
The Home Tour with Baek Ji-young and NU'EST JR can be found at 10:30 pm on the 10th, 'Seoul does not have a house'.