Point of Omniscient Interfere' Manager, Stephanie Lee English language Extracurricular activity, mental collaping

Stephanie Lee turns into English language teacher for Manager
MBC Point of Omniscient Interfere' broadcast on February 20 will reveal Stephanie Lee, who transformed into a teacher of English language Extracurricular activity at Manager.
Stephanie Lee's Manager said, "Sister is splitting the schedule and doing English language Extracurricular activity." Stephanie Lee from the United States has focused her attention on a fluent native speaker pronunciation in a cosmetics CF. Manager went on to study English language for Stephanie Lee's overseas work.
Stephanie Lee begins her class ambitiously, saying, "From now on, I will only talk about English language." But Manager suffers mental collapsing with the start of class: sweating and panicking at Stephanie Lee's mainland pronunciation. Manager will confess that "I am actually a kindergarten English language skill" and laugh.