Group TOMORROW X Twogether presented the 4th generation idol representative with the Awards of Four Dharma Sears for Seoul Song Awards.
TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Yeonjun, Bumgyu, Taehyun, and Huning Kai) awarded Four Dharma Seals at the 30th High1 Seoul Song Awards held on the 31st of last month. TOMORROW X Twogether, which received the Rookie of the Year award last year and confirmed its potential as a Global Super Rookie, proved its steep growth this year with the Four Dharma Seals for the second consecutive year.
TOMORROW X Twogether, who was honored with the Awards, said, "I am really happy to receive the big prize of Four Dharma Seals." "I will be TOMORROW X Twogether who knows that I am working harder and I will work harder in the future." “I think it was because of the fan club Moa (Moa) that I was able to win the award, I always love it, and I hope I meet soon,” he said, revealing his deep affection for Moa (Moa).
Finally, the members said, "I think it's been a long time since I met Moa people. I really want to see it." "I hope that this year, we will be able to listen to our songs and Performances to Moa people. I hope you will all be healthy and meet again until then. "
On this day, TOMORROW X Twogether presented the title song You and I Found in the Sky at 5:53 of the third mini album 'minisode1: Blue Hour' released last October and the song 'Lost the Weather'. In the Lost the Weather stage, which contains the stories of teenagers living in the present, which has changed due to Corona 19 fandemics, not only the visuals of the five members but also the more grown skills attracted attention. Especially, the expression of the members who match the song added a faint atmosphere. Then, in the stage You and I found in the sky at 5:53, the members appeared in uniforms and showed off their refreshing charm. Dance breaks with a lot of dancers also added an exciting feeling and raised the stage immersion.
As such, TOMORROW X Twogether awarded Four Dharma Seals in succession to the 2020 MAMA (Mnet Asian Music Awards) and the 35th Golden Disc Awards with Curaprox held last month, followed by the 30th High1 Seoul Song Awards.
On the other hand, TOMORROW X Twogether has been ranked 25th on the US Billboard main album chart Billboard 200 with 'minisode1: Blue Hour', and has been steadily gaining global position by sweeping the top of the Japan Oricon Daily and weekly album chart with Japan Regular 1 album STILL DREAMING released on the 20th of last month.
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