TVN 'ONF' through Sooyoung player Park Tae-hwan's candid and slow daily life will be released for the first time.
On 'ONF', which airs on February 23, Park Tae-hwan unveils his house and daily life for the first time. The delicate interior that shows clean and colorful items will attract attention. In addition, unlike on the water, the daily life outside the water will attract attention with the slow-moving look of the slow-looking reverse. From relaxed breakfast to relaxed plating and unique delicacy, Park Tae-hwan's new private appearance is expected to show surprise and healing.
Park Tae-hwan, who went out for a while, visited a suit shop and measured his body size for a customized suit. As a result, he boasts a 52cm shoulder width and surprised the studio. Park Tae-hwan, who was usually called a fashionista among athletes, reveals the behind-the-scenes story that he has been struggling with a single suit until now, with a unique body size. Park Tae-hwan will then show off a perfect suit suit fit and give a warm welcome.
On the other hand, Park Tae-hwan's ON is a charismatic figure and gives surprise. Park Tae-hwan, who opened Sooyoung with his name, captivates his attention with his professional career skills. For a while, Park Tae-hwan is expected to open another anti-face hair by transforming into a full-fledged Niece and nephew fool by opening the Sooyoung class for Niece and nephews on the 1st. Then, in the water, they play catch-up to the eye level of Niece and nephew, and they show the waste of talent of world class (?).