The behind-the-scenes footage of the group Newkid US steel has been released.
JFL Entertainment, a subsidiary company, unveiled a picture B cut of Newkid member US steel in the February issue of the recently released magazine Arena Homme Plus.
In the behind-the-scenes cut, the US steel is full of urban charm as well as visuals, which are not featured in the picture, but boasts a perfect pose and charisma that is as good as A cut. This year, the US steel, which has become 20 years old, has a glimpse of the chic charm along with the maturity of the Eye-catching.
At the filming scene, US steel is the back door that led the atmosphere with skill that is not new. In addition to various styling, he also completely digested any facial expressions and poses, and showed off his professional aspect and received storm praise from field staff.
US steel said through its agency, "It was a good opportunity to show a different look that I could not show on stage. I will continue to make efforts to show various charms through wide activities. "
Meanwhile, the US steel was recently cast as Bae Je-hoon in WebDrama Homme and finished filming. group Newkid, which belongs to US steel, is spurring its goal of releasing a new album in the first half of this year.