musical Actor Michael Lee picture was released.
Michael Lee recently conducted photo shoots and interviews with bnt.
Michael Lee, who always thinks that someone who does something that succeeds is not confident. While preparing for graduate school, he persuaded his parents to sing a song that could best express his inner Feeling, and he jumped into the path of Actor. He felt like he was throwing himself into a world that really knew nothing. But his Top Model was successful.
Michael Lee wants to pretend to tell young people to hit with Top Model whatever. Every word of his interview was as sincere as the voice that sounded the audience. When asked Michael Lee about his Feelings of photography, which expresses rich emotions and various Feelings, he said, "I was so happy. I feel comfortable because I am very nervous and have a good atmosphere. "
As for the recent situation, “I returned home a while ago after the VR concert in Japan, and I made a VR concert because of Corona, but I was able to perform happily. This year, I want to meet with the audience, so I am preparing for another VR concert. Pop and rock are likely to be the main part. "
When asked about his usual hobby, he said, “I write a diary, Moy Yat, and I like to record Feeling and these things that I felt that day, and the other hobby is writing scenarios. It seems that I am interested in this kind of thing because it is a musical Actor. If I have a chance in the future, I would like to do Top Model in musical production and making movies in my scenario. “I think it would be really thrilling if a movie made from my scenario was screened on a big screen.”
Asked about his secret to popularity, he said, "I do not seem to get used to the love of fans easily. I always appreciate it. I appreciate it. I want to repay you, I express my gratitude. I think you like me better. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you again. "
When asked if he had any secret to singing, he said, “Once I’m a good throat handler, the best thing I think about is sleep and water. I’m not going to drink coffee or tea well besides water. I think it’s more Feeling than anyone else. So it seems to be a little better when expressing with a song than expressing Feeling with words. The pitch and beat are important, of course, but Feeling is the most important thing to care about when singing, so that it seems to be good for the audience. "
Michael Lee, who is known to have stopped studying and persuaded his parents to become a musical Actor, said, "It was a very long dream. Originally, I was ashamed of my personality, but when I sing, it disappears and I can do my Feeling expression well. I really wanted to do so, so I convinced my parents that I wanted to tell them all about Top Model I think the people who succeed are not really brave, because they do what they can succeed. I learned it when I hit it, but I am now because I was such a Top Model "
When asked about his appearance in the drama TVN 'Hwa Yugi', Michael Lee said, "I did not know what to do at first because it was so different from musical. But I learned a lot from my appearance. Korea is one of the best drama-making countries. The process is difficult, but the results are perfect on TV. “I want to do another drama when I get the chance,” he said.
When I asked him who he wanted to be to his family, who loved his family so much, "My father was a really unexpressive and blunt person. I want to express a lot, the opposite of my father. Moy Yat I want to be a father and husband who says I love you and hugs Moy Yat and expresses affection. "
As for Actor, who wants to breathe together, "Any Actor is good. I think there is something to learn with anyone. “I’d like to be with you because I haven’t worked with you yet,” said the author, who also wants to be able to keep up with his breathing.
When asked about his most attached work, he was a "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "Man who pierces the wall". The Jesus Christ Superstar is a work that comes with a different Feeling over time. The role in the Man Breaking the Wall is really similar to mine, so I feel more attached. It is a work I really want to do again. "