Group Cherry Bullet has featured the cover of the March 2021 issue of the comprehensive entertainment magazine "Tenstar" (TEN STAR).
Cherry Bullet caught the eye as she moved between loving and Energetic Attractiveness. The warm and throbbing of spring was a sign of energy, and the more fragrant and gathered like flowers, the more flowery members overwhelmed the camera with a bright smile
Cherry Bullet also showed off her individuality in an interview with Tenstar: Cherry Bullet, who debuted in 2019, released her mini-album Cherry Rush for the first time in January. When asked if Purple, who said he would make a delicious stage at the time of the showcase, created a satisfying taste, "I think it was a month. I was able to climb my stage with my strength because the fans said it was a sweet stage. "It was an activity that left only sweet memories and sweet memories. Suga is 100% unconditionally, plus syrup, "he laughed.
The album name "Cherry Rush" comes from "Suga Rush," which means a state of soaring energy after eating sweet food. When asked what food caused the members to Suga Rush', each of them had a different answer. Purple chose strawberries and Shinemuscats, Haeyoon chose all cakes, Theresa May was Crople, support was original doughnut, Yuju was Echlair, and Remy LaCroix chose macaroons.
Asked Cherry Bullet, who recently celebrated his second anniversary, the most changed part: members gathered their mouths and cited teamwork and mature attitudes. "We don't share our sister's line, we're all playing fun together, we're so good with our team, we all want our members to be happy," said support.
Purple said: "The Cherry Bullet slogan is Happy Endings to the end'. In the past, every time I shouted this slogan, I was happier later, and I thought I would be happier in the future. I hope that this moment is the happiest these days. As today is the last, it seems to be Happy Endings. It seems to have changed to Feelings who live in the near future. "
Yuju said, "I think two years have passed quickly, but I have learned a lot of members during that time." "I was leaning on members without knowing. I think I will be more dependent on the future. It is so good to gather with members. "
Park Chae-rin, who became an adult this year, was different; Park Chae-rin said, "I made my debut as a high school student, but I became an adult this year. Feelings are strange and new, "he said." The more we work, the more we think we are looking for our own color. I will show you a variety of Attractiveness," he said.
There are also the truths of the group that have been realized while working and the truth of Cherry Bullet. "It seems to be synergistic when you bundle it," said support. "It feels more delicious when you eat rice together, and the radio schedule is better than alone, and three are better than two. If we see the energy itself different, we think we are really a team. "
Haeyoon said, "The truth of Cherry Bullet, if you do not know anything else, is 'Cherry Bullet is fun and funny'. We are really funny and there is a lot of Attractiveness, and I hope many people will know. "
The 20P limited express photoreal, behind-the-scenes cut and pleasant interview with Cherry Bullet's colorful Attractiveness can be found in the March issue of 'Tenstar' published on the 24th.
Shin Soo-hyun, Eun-hee, Chan-hee (de nii)
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